When in the middle of summer no fish is biting, when perch, chub and ide carry baits away from a fisherman’s legs, when trout or barbell only appear for a moment behind a decoy, you should reach for the Mepps Aglia Mouche lure. The lures with a black red-tailed fly are extremely good for fishing chub and perch. You should keep the Aglia Mouche lure in the current, even if it is slow, for a moment; sometimes at this point a fish decides to strike. An option with a red fly may be effective for fishing ide or barbel in clear submountain rivers. Both colours of flies may bring a good trout, as long as the lure goes with or across the current. The smallest sizes of the Mepps Aglia Mouche lures — #00 and #0 — may even try and lure grayling.
Size / Weight g: 00 / 1,5 g; 0 / 2,5 g; 1 / 3,5 g; 2 / 4,5 g
- Model: 01-529089
- Shipping Weight: 0.02kg
- 55 Units in Stock
- Manufactured by: Mepps