Perfectly made replica from small herring that imitates a wide variety of prey fish both salt and freshwater. The Backlip Herring swims with a great rolling and flashing action calling in predators from a long distance. The lure cast very far and as soon as retrieve is started, the backlip will fold out and the lure will start to roll and flash immediately. The backlip will force the lure to the surface and you can fish even over very shallow areas. The lure will rise in the water when speed is increase, great for fishing over weed beds and reefs. A great innovative search lure, with a great casting distance great for Pike, Seabass, Asp and many other predator fish!
- Superior 3D details and realism
- Innovative back Lip design
- Great rolling and flashing action
- Shallow running, Rising at speed
- Long casting tungsten design
- Steel Blade tail hook teaser
- Slow Sinking
Length/Weight: 10 cm/19 g ; 13,5 cm/45 g
- Model: 01-55065
- Shipping Weight: 0.08kg
- 9 Units in Stock
- Manufactured by: Savage Gear